Home Health

Personal Care and Skilled Nursing Experts


Personal Care

Personal Care Services are home-based services. It can include help with bathing, dressing, toileting, ambulation, feeding and/or light cleaning. These services are known as/called Activities of Daily Living or ADLs.

nurse measuring blood pressure of an elderly man


Skilled Nursing

Skilled nursing care includes services like medication management, wound care, and monitoring vital signs. It also covers physical and occupational therapy for recovery and daily activities, as well as pain management. Home health aides assist with personal care and light housekeeping. Home health care is typically covered by Medicare or private insurance when deemed medically necessary and prescribed by a doctor.


Skilled Nursing Services

Monitoring, wound care, and pain management after surgeries like hip replacements or heart bypass.

Administering injections, changing dressings, monitoring vital signs, and managing prescribed medications.

Rehabilitation services for recovery after surgery, stroke, or injury.

Ongoing monitoring and treatment for conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or respiratory issues.

Special care for surgical wounds, pressure ulcers, or other medical wounds that require expert attention.

Administering fluids or medications through an IV line with regular monitoring.

Treatments like oxygen therapy or ventilator care for lung conditions.

Administering pain medications and monitoring to manage acute or chronic pain.

Medical care and monitoring following an acute illness or injury to help with recovery.




Bathing means cleansing all surfaces of the body and bathing includes assistance with changing clothing, getting in and out of the tub or shower; wetting, soaping, and rinsing skin; shampooing hair, drying body, applying lotion to the skin, applying deodorant and routine catheter care. Bathing includes all transfers related to bathing. For example, the patient needs to be physically transferred to a shower chair.



Dressing means the ability to dress and undress (with or without an assistive device) as necessary. Dressing assistance does not include only activities related to garment closures (e.g., zippers, buttons) at the back of the garment. Typical clothing changes are from sleepwear to daywear and from daywear to sleepwear.




Grooming means the ability to tend to personal hygiene needs. Grooming activities including washing face, hands, and feet; combing/brushing hair, shaving, nail care, applying deodorant, and oral or denture care.



This includes using conventional or adaptive utensils to eat, preparing meals, supervision of those with risk of choking, and also require partial or full assistance with eating.
a white toilet sitting next to a wooden rail



Assistance with transfer on and off the toilet or commode, assistance with cleaning the perineal area and/or changing personal hygiene products for incontinence.



Assistance for clients with either partial or full assistance moving from one surface to the other. This includes transferring from wheelchair to bed, from bed to wheelchair.

Become a Personal Care Worker (PCW)

You can get paid up to $15 per hour plus benefits. Based on experience.
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