10 Qualities a Personal Care Worker Should Have

a close up of two people holding hands

When we work in direct contact with people, especially those of advanced age, previous training or knowledge is not enough, we must have aptitudes that involve the development of social and emotional skills that require a very well-defined vocational profile. Only when there is this balance between knowledge and good practice can we speak of an adequate care service for the elderly.

We must bear in mind when talking about the qualities of a Personal Care Worker that their functions are not a mechanical job, although it is true that the work of the people responsible for the care of the elderly presents specific and well defined functions and responsibilities.
Assistance and accompaniment work for the elderly has an important vocational component. Hence, the skills of a caregiver for the elderly are not only something that is learned and exercised, but in some way are already present in those who are professionally dedicated to this sector. Next, Tenderness Health Care mentions the 10 qualities a PCW should have.

Photograph of an older adult in a wheelchair being carried by their caregiver.


It is the objective way that serves to assess whether a PCW is able to function in certain circumstances. The best way to acquire the qualities of the caregiver is by facing the reality of the job.

Communication Skills

The basis of the relationship with older people is to have good communication with each other. Listen, understand and act accordingly so that the older person in charge does not feel isolated.


Dependent older people place all their trust in the figure of the PCW. The dependency relationship must be seen as a bond based on respect.


The best PCWs for the elderly are those who patiently watch and wait for the moment when their intervention is necessary. To obtain good results, perseverance and constant effort are essential.


Every day is an opportunity. Despite the fact that as time goes by and the assimilation of certain routines, work becomes easier and easier, caring for an elderly person implies being prepared to face unforeseeable situations.


Resolute people better face changes, unforeseen events, and suggestions. Intuition and the ability to put new ideas into action will make the work of PCWs more productive.


When there is no vocation, assistance to the elderly may be efficient but not outstanding.


Caring for highly dependent people requires an adequate state of physical, mental and emotional health.

Emotional Intelligence

Human beings function on impulse. But when a fundamental part of the work we do is to provide stability and security to another person, it is very important to know how to control human emotions such as frustration, fear or stress. A good PCW must transmit energy and positivity.

Self Care

The PCW must avoid burn-out syndrome. They must take care of themself so as not to suffer the physical and psychological wear and tear that a job as demanding as this generates.

An older adult embraced by their PCW, while they both smile

A good PCW is one who knows how to show humanity and diligence in each of their interventions. A person in whom the elderly person can place their full trust with the certainty that they have found the support they need.

You can be a great PCW. Join Tenderness Health Care’s team!

Find the best team and the help you need to become a Personal Care Worker with us. At Tenderness Health Care our main objective is to provide well-being and love to those who need it most. Contact us and be part of our family.


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